Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Road Trippin: Bath & Portland, Boston, Providence

August 2018

We left the scenic mountains of Maine and drove to Bath, Maine which was about 2.5 hours away. We had wanted to stay in Portland, but wowsers was it expensive! Bath was a slightly shorter drive anyway and let us get in early enough where we could spend some time at the indoor pool. That evening we found a cute restaurant/pub and ordered... more lobster!

The next morning we left the hotel and made an unscheduled pit stop at the L.L. Bean factory store in Freeport. All that money we saved by staying in Bath just got redirected towards more clothes and gear...

We drove to Portland and walked around for a bit. We had lunch at a really cute restaurant situated on the water. Lobster please!

Actual pieces of the Berlin Wall

The restaurant we ate in

We continued on our trip to Boston. On the way we stopped at a playground in Portsmouth, New Hampshire to let the girls play and get some energy out.

We drove another hour and arrived in Boston at our hotel, which was right on the water and in the middle of the Freedom Trail which worked out really nicely for us the next day. We took the girls right to the indoor pool and ordered food to be delivered since everyone was tired.

The next morning we crossed the bridge and had J lead us on the Freedom Trail. We put her in charge of telling us where we needed to go so that kept her pretty entertained on our walk! We had an end goal of getting to the aquarium right when it opened. The girls loved looking at all of the sea creatures and it gave us enough of a break from being in the summer heat.

Afterward, we found our way to Quincy Market to look for some grub to bring back for lunch. At this point J was tired of walking so we switched M to the carrier and put J in the stroller. We went back to the hotel for some much needed rest/nap time and lunch.

After a nice rest we continued on the Freedom Trail right outside our hotel to the USS Constitution. It is the oldest commissioned ship in the US Navy and is very well maintained. We were able to look at the cannons, go down into the sailors' quarters (through very tight and narrow stairways), and get an idea of what life must have been like on the ship.

Lastly, we followed the trail to the Bunker Hill Monument. The monument was erected to commemorate the Battle of Bunker Hill which was one of the first major battles between the British and Patriots in the Revolutionary War. In order to get to the top one must climb 294 stairs, which we weren't going to do (Jon and I had both done it in the past), but then J said she really really wanted to climb to the top. Jon went up with her just in case she had to be carried, but she ended up sprinting up without stopping, totally putting to shame everyone that was taking rests.

We stopped for a well deserved ice cream on our way back to the hotel and then we played in the pool for a little bit. What an amazing day we had!

The next day we broke up our drive home into two separate parts. My cousin Mara and her husband live just outside of Providence so we visited them and went to their local farmers market to get some food and hang out.

We left around M's nap time and completed a big chunk of our driving at once. We stopped in Greenwich, CT at an amazing playground I had found out about online. Seriously, this playground was awesome.. I wish we had something like that close to us! From there it was only an hour to get home.

This week-long road trip was great and we all had such a good time. Where to next?!

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