Thursday, November 21, 2019

Paris, France, Part I

We arrived in Paris around 7:45pm and made our way over to the taxi line. However, we were quickly pulled out by someone who worked there and they moved us to the front! Thank you J and M. That would never happen in the U.S.! We then checked into our large two bedroom hotel suite and ordered some food to be delivered since it was getting to be that time when no one really wanted to go out again.

First thing on the agenda the next morning was to find a place with some chocolate croissants and hot chocolate for breakfast. Not too hard to do while in Paris. We walked to ___ which was just voted #1 something something. Next door we went to a cute little restaurant where we got some hot chocolate and a Croque Monsiuer (ham and cheese with a fried egg) to split. We ate up everything and the girls were happy!

Walking the streets
Maddie contemplating life over a hot chocolate

We then took the metro to Montpanarsee Tower, which is the tallest building in Paris at 59 stories. The tower has an observation deck and is touted as having one of the best views of Paris, namely because the Eiffel Tower is also in the shot which you don’t always get. We enjoyed the views inside for a while and then walked up the stairs to the observation deck. It was windy and a little chilly, but wow! What amazing views we had!

We then took the metro to the something stop for the Eiffel Tower. We already had plans to go here on Saturday, but I think all of us were itching at the chance to visit before then. A lot has changed since we visited 8 years ago! For one, in order to get up close to it you have to go through security (a bag check and metal detector). We previously were able to just wander at our leisure. Another thing that was different was that they had closed off the entire grass area leading up to the tower. When we went, people were having picnics and nice pictures taken so it was kind of a disappointment to see so many restrictions. But obviously if that’s what they feel they need to do to keep everyone safe then I’m all for it. The girls really enjoyed looking at the Eiffel Tower… it’s something that J had expressed interest in seeing and it’s pretty cool that our two year old kept saying, “Look, Eiffel Tower!”

We found a small creperie on a quiet street nearby and relaxed for a bit. Jon and I were in desperate need of an adult drink and the girls were looking forward to having some chocolate crepes and sitting down to play.

Send help!

Everyone was tired and done so we Ubered back to the hotel and rested for a bit. We went out to a restaurant nearby around 8pm and enjoyed some authentic French cuisine. The waiter even brought a huge sparkly candle out for J’s birthday which was happening the next week.

All in all, this was a great first full day in Paris! Next up, champagne country!

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